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ARHS Spikeseed
cloud computing blog.

Discover the latest innovations in cloud computing as
well as the latest news on ARHS Spikeseed products and services.

  • Charles Guebels

    IaC and diagram generation with Former2

    Former2 is a web-based tool capable of generating Infrastructure as Code (IaC) templates and cloud architecture diagrams for the AWS cloud. In this article we will mainly present these two...

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  • Charles Guebels

    Compliance reporting with Prowler

    Following on from our blog post about Steampipe, this article presents the open-source compliance reporting tool named Prowler. As we have already did for Steampipe, we will see how to...

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  • Charles Guebels

    Compliance reporting with Steampipe

    Having an overview about the compliance, security, costs, etc. of our AWS resources is very important. Some commercial tools already exist to do that (like Cloud Conformity or Prisma) but...

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  • Gokdag Goktepe

    OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow & AWS Cognito

    The previous article introduced the OAuth 2.0 protocol, highlighting distinctions between authentication and authorization. OAuth 2.0, an industry-standard protocol, was discussed in the context of cloud-native applications, addressing security concerns...

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  • Charles Guebels

    AWS European Sovereign Cloud

    Recently AWS announced that it was working on a European Sovereign Cloud, this is a good opportunity to discover a little more about what is hidden behind this term and...

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  • Mikhail Alekseev

    GitOps with Argo CD

    Everything is changing. So the new practices come from day to day. Today I’d like to overview the GitOps framework, its benefits and difficulties, tools, and some examples.

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