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ARHS Spikeseed
cloud computing blog.

Our latest publications related to automation

  • Mikhail Alekseev

    AWS EKS Security. IAM. Part 1

    Today, we are pleased to announce that we have set up a series of AWS EKS security-related blog posts. In these posts, we will cover the main principles of securing...

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  • Florian Nicolas

    Datadog Anomaly Detection for AWS Resources

    When we think about monitoring, we cannot think about another thing than threshold-based monitors. Let’s imagine that you are monitoring hosts than encounter lots of variations in the concerned metrics....

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  • Charles Guebels

    Kubernetes nodes auto-scaling with Karpenter

    When an EKS cluster is set up, it is common to use EC2 node groups to provision the compute capacity of the Kubernetes cluster. The challenge is to dynamically adapt...

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  • Charles Guebels

    IaC and diagram generation with Former2

    Former2 is a web-based tool capable of generating Infrastructure as Code (IaC) templates and cloud architecture diagrams for the AWS cloud. In this article we will mainly present these two...

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  • Mikhail Alekseev

    GitOps with Argo CD

    Everything is changing. So the new practices come from day to day. Today I’d like to overview the GitOps framework, its benefits and difficulties, tools, and some examples.

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  • Yohan Beschi

    Terraform 101

    Since June 2021, Terraform is finally generally available after 6 years of beta versions.

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