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ARHS Spikeseed
cloud computing blog.

Our latest publications related to security

  • Mikhail Alekseev

    AWS EKS Security. IAM. Part 1

    Today, we are pleased to announce that we have set up a series of AWS EKS security-related blog posts. In these posts, we will cover the main principles of securing...

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  • Charles Guebels

    Protect a CloudFront distribution with Cognito or BasicAuth

    Amazon CloudFront is a very useful service for exposing multiple origin types like ALB, custom domains or S3 buckets. However, CloudFront does not provide a direct way to restrict access...

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  • Gokdag Goktepe

    OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow & AWS Cognito

    The previous article introduced the OAuth 2.0 protocol, highlighting distinctions between authentication and authorization. OAuth 2.0, an industry-standard protocol, was discussed in the context of cloud-native applications, addressing security concerns...

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  • Charles Guebels

    AWS European Sovereign Cloud

    Recently AWS announced that it was working on a European Sovereign Cloud, this is a good opportunity to discover a little more about what is hidden behind this term and...

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  • Dimitri Appriou

    Effective secrets management in AWS

    Today, secrets are used everywhere. Being the key to infrastructures and the data they are holding, a compromised secret can lead to security breaches of catastrophic proportions. Consequently, securing secrets...

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  • Gokdag Goktepe

    Introduction to OAuth 2.0 Protocol

    “It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door.”

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