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ARHS Spikeseed
cloud computing blog.

Discover the latest innovations in cloud computing as
well as the latest news on ARHS Spikeseed products and services.

  • Yohan Beschi


    Associé aux compétences DevOps, le cloud public est un catalyseur important de la transformation numérique des organisations. Spikeseed, l’entité du groupe Arηs spécialisée dans l’accompagnement des projets IT complexes s’ap­puyant...

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  • Yohan Beschi

    Keeping your System up-to-date with AWS Systems Manager

    Keeping an Operating System (OS) up-to-date is essential for obvious security reasons. But updating an OS blindly is strongly discouraged. An Operating System is part of an infrastructure which has...

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  • Yohan Beschi

    Provisioning EC2 instances with Ansible

    While with Serverless architectures we leave the hassle of managing the underlying infrastructure of our applications to a third-party provider, with traditional architectures we have full control of our systems,...

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  • Pierre Renard

    Query structured data easily with Amazon Athena

    Nowadays, in this fast-moving world, SaaS solutions become the new standard. Because of that, it’s more and more important to monitor your SaaS solution to avoid a potential outage.

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  • Mathieu Leyder

    Arηs Spikeseed achieves AWS Government Competency Status

    Luxembourg, May 30th 2020 – Arηs Spikeseed announced today that it has achieved Amazon Web Services (AWS) Government Competency status. This designation recognizes that Arηs Spikeseed provides solutions to -...

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  • Yohan Beschi

    Going serverless with AWS

    Serverless has been a trending topic for the past 6 years. S3 has been recently elected the greatest cloud service of all time and Lambdas got the 2nd place. On...

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