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ARHS Spikeseed
cloud computing blog.

Discover the latest innovations in cloud computing as
well as the latest news on ARHS Spikeseed products and services.

  • Strahil Hristov

    Leveraging lambda@edge for dynamic website routing based on cookies

    In this post, we’ll explore Lambda@Edge, an innovative service that places “intelligent friends” at strategic points across the globe, delivering dynamic content with speed and precision.

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  • Dimitri Appriou

    Effective secrets management in AWS

    Today, secrets are used everywhere. Being the key to infrastructures and the data they are holding, a compromised secret can lead to security breaches of catastrophic proportions. Consequently, securing secrets...

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  • Mathieu Leyder

    ARHS Spikeseed achieves AWS Migration Services Competency Partner Status

    Enterprises migrating to AWS require expertise, tools, and alignment of business and IT strategy. Achieving the Migration Competency Partner Status differentiates ARHS Spikeseed as an AWS Partner with deep domain...

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  • Yohan Beschi

    AWS Copilot, a friend that we all need

    Sometimes we want to quickly deploy a container without the hassle of Infrastructure as Code. It can be because, we have limited AWS or infrastructure knowledge and we want to...

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  • Pierre Renard

    Accelerate your Lambda functions with SnapStart

    The cloud is a wonderful enabler to quickly create deploy and run a new application. In the early age, the cloud was only provided hosting services and then quickly provides...

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  • Pierre Renard

    AWS re:Invent 2022 - Top 10 news

    It’s the end of the year and like Santa, AWS comes fully-loaded with new services and features to Las Vegas at re:Invent.

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